4C Straight Hair Natural Guide to hair growth
A minimalistic guide to starting your journey as a straight hair natural. The information you need to create a consistent routine and start your journey to hair growth.
For over 10 years my hair would not reach past shoulder height. No matter how many protective styles I did, no matter how little heat I used, no matter how many vitamins I took. I just could not retain length. It wasn't until my hair stylist introduced me to being a straight hair natural that my hair began to flourish. This guide is meant to give you all the information I have obtained over the 4 years now of being a straight hair natural and finally being able to retain length.
What's included
- The best way to start
- Straight hair routine
- Hair growth routine
- Dealing with humidity
- Hair while working out
- Product recommendations
And more
My minimalist approach to hair growth.
Any issues with products feel free to email me at thisiszipporah@gmail.com
A minimalistic guide to starting your journey as a straight hair natural. The information you need to creating a consistent routine.